We commenced our 4th native woodland project last week at Mullagh, Kilsallagh, Westport. Our group promotes the idea of extensively planting mixed Irish tree species and also provides husbandry advice and information on government financial incentives to local landowners.
The land in Mullagh is owned by Conor and Marcus Ryan, Westport. They are overseeing the planting of 18,000 native trees on 20 acres along the Ballyhip river, a tributary of the Bunowen river. The brothers’ motivation is to help mitigate climate change through carbon capture and to enhance nature and biodiversity.
“As a means of mitigating climate change, we decided to plant our land with native trees with support from the Native Woodland Scheme. We won’t be harvesting trees except if some thinning is needed. Hopefully over time it will develop into mature woodland which will serve as a carbon sink and enhance local biodiversity as well as providing an amenity for the local community” said Conor Ryan, a consultant ecologist.
A special ceremony was held, Saturday, February 5th, to mark the occasion of the planting of the woodland. This was led by Deirdre Hannon from Athlone and involved planting a grove of hazel trees in what turned out to be torrential rain and gale force winds. The tree planters, other CALL members, and friends and neighbours participated undaunted and then retired for refreshments locally.
A previous native woodland project initiated by CALL is at Callacoon just a mile south of Louisburgh. This plot of 8 acres is owned by a consortium of concerned local people and was planted last year. Information on this project can be accessed at Permaculture Ireland-Video
There is also a privately owned project in Callacoon and one on Clare Island, both managed by members of the CALL group.

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