CALL at the “Communities Caring for Water” National Conference November 9th 2024.
CALL was represented at the recent “Communities Caring for Water” conference in November 2024. This event was jointly organised by LAWPRO and The Rivers Trust, and held at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Athlone (very nice!).
November, already? really?
I haven’t written a blog for a while. I keep saying that to myself and then not getting to it, not because I don’t want to write but because I’ve just been really busy. Lots of new projects underway, new collaborations with various partners, i’ve been out and about giving presentations and talking to school kids (more about all these activities soon). So that’s by way of beginning- which busy thing shall I start wth?

Food Security
In CALL we are developing some work on “food security”. We’re hoping to encourage and support locally grown food. This fits with at least two of the main themes of CALL’s activities: Local Food Production; Sustainable Living. Food Security is a genuine issue for us in Ireland.

Visiting Lough Carra Catchment Association
This week CALL visited Lough Carra Catchment Association’s public meeting. This was attended by over 30 people from the community (and beyond). There were four speakers giving updates on the progress of the monitoring and baselining studies that the Catchment Association are currently carrying out and a few other updates as you can see from their flier.
Writing funding bids
A significant part of my role as the CALL Action Officer is writing applications for funding. The idea is to increase the capacity of CALL by bringing in funding that will help us ACT across all the themes of the organisation and ENGAGE with the people in our locality (and beyond).