Sustainable Living

Buy less, trash less

Why it's important

We are surrounded by “stuff” and we are in need of new “stuff” every day. To produce and dispose of all the stuff we need and want, materials and energy are consumed and carbon emissions are generated.  To decrease the environmental impact of this way of living, a model of circular economy was proposed where materials are collected and reused after each use.  But this model is not working well enough. Nowadays in the EU each person consumes 16 tonnes of materials a year, of which 6 tonnes become waste and half of that is landfilled. Globally, we only cycle 8.6% of what we use. We need to do better if we want to save our planet and its resources, and changing our lifestyle can help.

What is CALL doing about it

Sharing community

Within CALL, we are attempting to really slow down the circular economy in our locality. We are managing the ‘Louisburgh Free Market’ WhatsApp group to re-home items for free that has more than 265 members (as of May 2023) and has prevented buying or trashing thousands of items. Rehoming goods like this saves us money, and saves trips to Westport or Castlebar with the associated emissions. The group is also so very kind and gives such a wonderful sense of community. If you live locally and want to be part of our ‘Louisburgh Free Market’ WhatsApp group let us know.

Repair directory

In our efforts to cut on waste, we put together the Louisburgh Locality Repair Directory. It is a document with information on people that live locally and can fix goods, from clothing to appliances. With the directory we want to encourage our community to repair and reuse locally as a method for reducing waste and petrol, while saving money and contributing to the local economy. Click the image above for more information. We’re still in need of more repairers in the area, if you would like to appear in it and help us fighting waste please contact us!

Within CALL, we would like to support and promote activities like these ones, according to what you, as a community, feel is more needed. Please if you have any ideas of additional activities to carry out, send them over!


What can YOU do about it

Stop and think before buying

The first step towards a more sustainable way of living is to stop and re-think your relationship with things you need and want. Stopping is very powerful. Before buying, think: Do I really need this? Can I borrow it instead? If you get something new: Can I reuse it? Can it be repaired? Can it rot at the end of its life? Refuse what you don’t need. Reduce what you buy. Buy better.

Regift, reuse, repair

The second step is to also to re-think your relationship with the things you already have: take care of them, if you don’t use them, re-gift them or up-cycle them, and either learn the old art of repairing your stuff or get someone to repair it for you to keep it in your life for as long as possible.

External links & Resources

Below you can find some links we find particularly useful when attempting a more sustainable way of living our daily lives

provides tons of tips to live sustainably: where to buy second hand and sustainable brands, how to change little things to move to a more sustainable path
has many resources on how to fix things yourself, from clothing to electronics

has a great collection of resources if you want to learn how to take care of and fix your clothes

is your aid if you want to know how to dispose appropriately of different items. It has also a lot of links and information promoting a circular economy


is a zero-waste grocery shop in Westport where you can do your sustainable shopping, cutting in packaging and using reusables

Photo by Adrian Tiernan, @artaltitudesdroneworks

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