A packed Killeen Community Centre was the venue on Monday evening 15th Aug 22 where Climate Action Louisburgh Locality, CALL, Energy sub-group hosted an information session on how to make savings in your home using renewable solar energy. The meeting had a great turnout, with 65 attendees.
Jim Campbell, Richard Mannion and Rosarie Tiernan delivered a presentation covering everything from installation to maintenance of solar PV followed by a question and answer session and then outwards on a bus trip to see working panels at a local home. Having the added bonus of those presenting actually having their own experience of using solar energy, made the information more relatable. Solid data from real local homes is second to none. Members of the CALL group who have installed PV Panels report an energy saving of approx. 70% over the year. Most of the power created during the months of March to October can supply most of the power required to run your home while the excess produced can be exported to the grid thereby building up credit against your winter energy use.
A wonderful suggestion of creating a community Meitheal system where by a group of home owners work together to support each other to install Solar PV, with guidance from CALL was very well received by the community. The model being was devised by the Clare Community Energy Agency where similar initiatives have taken place over the last two years. The plan is to organize a group of households interested in installing PV Panels, finding local contractors who will undertake the projects and keep the finances in the area, thus boosting the local economy.
Following this initial meeting a group of 10 households have decided to go ahead and install PV arrays to supplement or replace their energy needs to a more sustainable source, before Christmas of 2022. Another group is being planned for Jan. 2023. Many other householders have expressed interest in participating in the initiative in the future.
While the group notes that many households may not be able to invest in the above such projects, they point out that the local Credit Union and the Government have low interest loans available for these projects. There are also several grants available to help reduce the cost to the installer.
If you would like more information on the project just email us; klci.call@gmail.com and we will gladly forward you the information.
We are very thankful to Jim, Richard and Rosarie for the wonderful presentation. Thanks to all who attended and expressed an interest in the project. Thanks also to Killeen Community Council for the use of the venue. And last but not least Thanks to our volunteers in Louisburgh-Killeen Heritage for providing the refreshments and bus trip.
Keep an eye out for more Climate Action Louisburgh Locality in the coming months!