Event: School Uniform swap


Do you have any school uniforms in good shape that you’ll not need next year? If that’s the case, please give them a wash during the weekend and bring them over to school on Monday morning, so they can be used by someone else.  Please drop them in the bins by the school doors. We will quality check the items, and all the uniforms will be available for a coin donation towards the St. Vincent de Paul, for any of you to take on Wednesday (you don’t need to give to take one).

Let’s use second hand school uniforms instead of buying new. This will reduce consumption and landfill, protecting the environment as well as our pockets.

Fashion accounts for 10% of global emissions, which is more than all maritime shipping and international flights combined! Three out of five of the 100 billion garments made in 2018 ended up in landfill within a year. Choosing second hand is a must if we want to protect our kid’s future.