CALL needs you to create a repair directory


A “call” for anyone with skills in fixing things like lawnmowers, computers, bicycles, clothes or musical instruments, (the list is endless) to become part of a Louisburgh Locality Repair Directory. This will ensure that we look within our community for solutions to repair and reuse items locally before driving miles to dispose of them. Of course anyone who can devote time to repairing and fixing things can charge a fee. Thus creating employment locally too.

This is a fantastic community response to tackling climate change by actions and is in addition to the very active WhatsApp group Louisburgh Free Market, in which members swap, share and give unwanted items for free within the Louisburgh, Inisturk, Clare Island, Killeen & Lecanvey area.

If you would like to be added to the repair directory contact us by email or WhatsApp