CALL Action Officer Calling


I’m elisabeth salter, I’ve recently taken on the role of CALL’s Action Officer. C.A.L.L. is Climate Action Louisburgh Locality. CALL’s geographical focus is the locality of Louisburgh, Co Mayo, on the West coast of Ireland, encompassing the two half parishes of Killeen and Louisburgh. 

I started work for CALL in March 2024, working one day a week. I’m proud to be the first paid employee for CALL, thanks to a generous anonymous donation for which we are deeply grateful.

CALL has been built on the time and commitment of a dedicated group of volunteers with a range of interests all requiring action: Circular Economy, Renewable Energy, Biodiversity, Food Security. You can see the story of how CALL was formed on the CALL website

A priority for my work with CALL is to build capacity for the organisation by generating funding to that we can engage more in the pressing issues of climate action. We want to involve more people in CALL on a volunteer and paid basis. We want to engage people in our locality and beyond. We want to join with other climate action groups locally and internationally. Take a look at our new instagram account.

As I began the role for CALL in March 2024, there was an immediate deadline for funding from LAWPRO (Local Authorities Waters Programme) for their Catchment Support Fund programme. I was glad of the support from directors of CALL to act quickly and pull together an application for our “Blue Dot to the Sea” campaign. 

We were awarded funding to run the Blue Dot to the Sea campaign between June and October 2024. Watch this space for news of CALL’s actions as part of the Blue Dot project. 

What is a “blue dot” anyway?

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