Visiting Lough Carra Catchment Association

This week CALL visited Lough Carra Catchment Association’s public meeting. This was attended by over 30 people from the community (and beyond). There were four speakers giving updates on the progress of the monitoring and baselining studies that the Catchment Association are currently carrying out and a few other updates as you can see from their flier.

Event: Halloween swap

It is scary! In Ireland we bin about 700,000 costumes every Halloween! 83% of the costumes are made using non-recyclable petroleum-based plastics; meaning they are set…

Blue Dot campaign interviews

I’m the Action Officer for CALL. I’m currently working on the “Blue Dot to the Sea” campaign as part of the funding we have received from LAWPRO under its Catchment Support Fund (2024). I explained a bit about the blue dot designation for water ways in my recent post “CALL’s Blue Dot to the Sea Campaign”↗. I’m conducting interviews with members of the community who live and work with our rivers. How did I devise the interview questions?

CALL’s Blue Dot to the Sea Campaign

The purpose of our Blue Dot project is to engage the community connected with the rivers in our sub-catchment- the Carrowniskey and Bunowen rivers and their tributaries. A key aim is to help these rivers be as ecologically pure as they can be. 

The Blue Dot project involves a few different angles: I am carrying out recorded and anonymised interviews with people who live with these rivers, organising some public events, attending knowledge sharing sessions, and visiting some schools and colleges to talk about the project and its findings.

Heritage Water Day Louisburgh 25/08/24

We had a great day, avoiding the worst of the rain: starting at Louisburgh Town Hall. For the outdoor activities we headed down to the Bunowen river by the bridge for a demo of Electrofishing by Inland Fisheries Ireland and a demo of kick sampling by our Community Water Officer.  It didn’t rain too much despite the awful forecast. If you were put off from coming because of that  weather forecast, you missed out!

Blue Dot to the Sea Campaign

“Blue Dot to the Sea” is an awareness-raising project supported by LAWPRO’s Catchment Support Fund, and running from June to October 2024. Elisabeth Salter, CALL’s…