Behind the numbers – Trees and acres planted and habitat restored


Within CALL, we promote the idea of extensively planting mixed Irish tree species and habitat restoration. This has resulted in the planting of a total of 49 acres, 16 acres have been left for habitat restoration. In total, we have planted or given away a total of 35,466 native trees.

17 Acres of land and 8,000 trees were planted in Callacoon, where a consortium of local people, including two CALL members, got together, bought a piece of land and planted it in 2021. 8 Acres of this land are used for habitat restoration. Click here for more information.

20 Acres of land and 12,000 native trees were planted in Mullagh in February 2022. This private endeavour included one CALL member, and afforested a plot of land along the Ballyhip river, a tributary of the Bunowen river. 4 Acres in this lot are devoted to habitat restoration. There is an individual post about this project here.

Another private endeavour in Callacoon covers 12 acres. We planted 8,000 trees in this land, and reserved 4 acres for biodiversity plots.

Additionally, we distributed 300 trees for free to people in our community at the beginning of 2022 and another 50 in March 2023. We became a distributor of the Free Trees Ireland project and shared 340 trees in December 2023 and 776 trees in February 2024. Finally, we shared a further 600 trees from easy treesie that same month. These small tokens plant the seed that afforesting is a natural process in our rather bare portion of coastal Mayo.

(Last updated February 2024)