We’re starting something cool and green!
A table with local produce at Louisburgh’s Community Market.
The idea is for local growers to either donate or sell their excess produce.
Even if you grow little, you always have excess: too many seedlings, herbs that are not gathered, leaves that are not picked. Stop them going to waste. Share them with the community!
If you grow tons, why not to consider to sell them to the community? You’ll be helping people to eat fresh, eat local and reduce food miles.
We have some lovely people from Lecanvey to Clare Island that have lush, productive gardens.
With some luck, after this initiative growers will start talking to each other and local produce will be always available in our area.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us through whatsapp or message (info in the poster) or by email.
All profits towards the growers, restoration of our Community Hall and a bench for the Community Garden.